Recent News on

The Lab: “Salivary Immunity of Elite Collegiate American Football Players Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Normalizes Following Isolation”

The Lab: “Dysfunctional Metabolism of T Cells in Collegiate Football Players with SARS-CoV2”

The Lab: “Characterization of Normal Biomarkers of Muscle Damage in Collegiate Athletes”

The Lab: “Effects of Training Camp on Hematological Variables in Athletes with Sickle Cell Trait”

Transition: An Inevitable Part of an Athlete’s Career

The Lab: “Differential Sweat and Urine Electrolyte Responses in Collegiate Football Players With Sickle Cell Trait”

The Lab: “Perceived Energy and General Well Being in Collegiate Football Players With and Without Sickle Cell Trait”

Athletics Teams Up to Win $250,000 Provost’s Big Idea Grant

A Task Force That’s Making a Difference

The Lab: “Acute and Chronic Changes of Hematological Variables in College Football Athletes with Sickle Cell Trait”

The Lab: “Correlations Between Serum Biomarkers of Stress and Subjective Measures of Well-Being in Collegiate Swimmers”

The Lab: “Changes in Salivary Antimicrobial Protein Concentrations in Response to Maximal Exercise in Collegiate Swimmers”

The Lab: “Identification of Blood Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Collegiate Football Players”

Resilience in Female Athletes: The Great Debate

The Lab: “Effects of Environmental, Local Sweat Rate (LSR), and Body Size on Core Heat Storage in Collegiate Football Players”

The Lab: “Sweat Rates and Electrolyte Losses of Football Players During Training Camp”

LSU Athletics Collaboration on Concussion Research Lands in the Journal Nature!
Returning to Football After COVID-19 Infection

The Lab: “Heart Rate Response and Activity Level in Division I Football Players During Pre-Season Scrimmage Play”

The Lab: “Electrolyte Losses in Urine and Sweat In Collegiate Football Players During Pre-Season Training Camp”
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Do you have a co-worker that has done something worth talking about? Or maybe a student-athlete with a unique story? We want to know your story! Click here to let us know about your idea and the Healthy Tiger team can make sure your story is heard. All submissions are welcomed! Geaux Tigers!