The Lab: “Acute and Chronic Changes of Hematological Variables in College Football Athletes with Sickle Cell Trait”

Acute and Chronic Changes of Hematological Variables in College Football Athletes with Sickle Cell Trait.png


PURPOSE: To determine the acute and chronic changes of hematological in NCAA Division I football players with sickle cell trait (SCT) and healthy control (CON) before and after a single practice (acute) and pre-and post-training camp in pre-season (chronic).

METHODS: Eight athletes (n=4 SCT; n=4 CON) had blood drawn pre-and post-training camp in pre-season. Six of them (n=3 SCT; n=3 CON) had blood drawn before and after a single pre-season scrimmage. Hemoglobin electrophoresis (Hb-A, Hb-A2, Hb-S and Hb-F), complete blood count, and chemistry panel 26 were analyzed using 2-way RM ANOVA.

RESULTS: Baseline total hemoglobin content was similar between SCT and CON (mean±SD; 14.1±0.6 g/dL vs. 14.5±0.6g/dL; P=0.41). However, Hb-A was lower (58.4±3.8% vs. 86.6±17.5%; P=0.02) and Hb-S was higher in SCT than CON (36.8±3.6% vs. 0.2±0.4; P<0.0001), and results were consistent at all time points. After a single practice, uric acid was significantly higher in SCT compared to CON (7.5±0.8mg/dL vs. 6.4±0.4mg/dL; Pall=0.04). However, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was lower in SCT (16.1±3.5mg/dL) than CON (23.4±1.6mg/dL; Pall=0.006). The chronic changes between pre-and-post camp showed that SCT had lower in BUN (16.1±3.9mg/dL vs. 20.5±3.3 mg/dL; Pall=0.015) and total bilirubin (0.73±0.14mg/dL vs. 1.13±0.27mg/dL; Pall=0.027) compared to CON. In complete blood count profile, white blood count, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes significantly decreased in both groups (Pall<0.05).

DISCUSSION: Both acute and chronic changes showed SCT had lower BUN than CON suggesting exercise might have different effects on kidney function between two groups. Subclinical changes in resting immune cell counts between pre- and post-training camp suggest that athletes’ immune function may be dampened by repeated bouts of exhaustive exercise. Funded by Tiger Athletic Foundation of Louisiana State University.


Haoyan Wang1, Nathan P Lemoine Jr1., Matt Martone1, Brian A. Irving, FACSM1, Guillaume Spielmann1, Jack Marucci1, Shelly Mullenix1, Derek D. Calvert1, Timothy S. Church2, Jennifer Rood2, Brian Harrell3, Neil M. Johannsen1,2


Wang, H., Lemoine Jr, N. P., Martone, M., Irving, B. A., Spielmann, G., Marucci, J., & Harrell, B. (2019). Acute and Chronic Changes of Hematological Variables in College Football Athletes with Sickle Cell Trait: 1063: Board# 297 May 29 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise51(6), 283.


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