Timeout: Major Changes!

Kelsey Major: LSU Soccer

TIMEOUT! Let’s take a minute to really get to know Kelsey Major…

What does your pregame hype playlist consist of?

I start with rap and then I have to listen to Partition by Beyoncé. 

How and why did you choose LSU?

I grew up in New Orleans, and if you grew up in Louisiana, you're an LSU family from the start, so it was just always where I wanted to be. 

A Louisiana Saturday Night!

What is your favorite thing about LSU?

When the campus is full. Especially like the morning of game days, just seeing everybody outside, so happy… it’s 100% my favorite thing.

What has been your favorite moment during your time here? 

Probably just any big win we have had at home. Any of them were just so much fun.

Chiara Ritchie-Williams: LSU Soccer

Which one of your teammates has had the most impact on you?

I wasn't on the team at the same time as her, but Chiara Ritchie-Williams, she was a manager here when I was rehabbing from my ACL injury. She just did everything with me and kind of helped me stay in a positive mindset.  

Do you have any pregame superstitions?

No, I don't believe in superstitions. I just have to listen to that one song (Partition).  

Who has been the most impactful role model in your life?

My mom and my grandma. I just like the way that they carry themselves and I just model everything I do after them.

Are you a big professional sports fan? If so, who's your favorite team?

Yes. Oh gosh, I don't think I have a favorite team. I just watch whatever is on. I like hockey, soccer, obviously, and tennis too, I love watching tennis when it’s on.

What is your favorite restaurant in Baton Rouge?

Drunken Fish! It's just a little sushi place near campus. It’s so good, and it’s definitely my favorite place.

What is your favorite movie?

Crazy Rich Asians, I love it so much. I want that wedding!

What is your ideal pre or postgame snack or meal?

Postgame, I usually go with ice cream from Coldstone Creamery!


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