Laughter…Just What the Doctor Ordered!

When you think of your list of ways to manage your stress and anxiety, does it include giggles or a big belly laugh? It seems that when things are getting to be overwhelming and the world is closing in on you, the last thing you may want to do is laugh. However, it is a fact that laughter can be helpful in relieving stress. Besides the stress reduction, laughter can also help your brain in the release of endorphins- the hormone that helps to alleviate pain, lower stress, improve mood, and enhance your sense of well-being.

LSU Assistant Athletics Director/Director of Sport Psychology & Counseling Dr. LaKeitha Poole recent spoke with a staff writer at the Times-Picayune about the importance that laughter can play in managing our mental health and why we should not take everything so seriously. Read HERE to learn how a little dose of laughter can go a long way!


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