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Mullenix Joins Experts’ Roundtable: Mental Health Services for Former Student-Athletes

Athletics Teams Up to Win $250,000 Provost’s Big Idea Grant

A Task Force That’s Making a Difference

LSU Athletics Collaboration on Concussion Research Lands in the Journal Nature!
'Mama Shelly' Takes Holistic Vision Into New Role
Before she was Mama Shelly, Shelly Mullenix was TiTi.
Mullenix's titles, nicknames, and job responsibilities seem to be in eternal competition to outnumber the other, each reflecting the need she serves to the population that wields it.
There's the aforementioned Mama Shelly, the most common cognomen around LSU's Football Operations facility, especially among its student-athletes. Mama Shelly is the maternal protector of her athletes, doling out tough love, lending a sympathetic shoulder, and taping sprained ankles.
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Do you have a co-worker that has done something worth talking about? Or maybe a student-athlete with a unique story? We want to know your story! Click here to let us know about your idea and the Healthy Tiger team can make sure your story is heard. All submissions are welcomed! Geaux Tigers!