November 2023: Most Value-Able Players

These team members have been nominated by their colleagues for demonstrating our core values in their work.

Mike Chapman: Men’s Basketball Video Coordinator – PERSERVERANCE

 Michael Chapman embodies the core value of perseverance in every aspect of his role. Often found in the "trenches," he diligently takes on tasks that go beyond the confines of his job description. Chapman's unwavering dedication to his responsibilities showcases a steadfast commitment to the team's success. Whether it's meticulously analyzing game footage or coordinating logistics behind the scenes, he consistently goes above and beyond. His ability to handle the "dirty work" with grace and determination sets him apart, demonstrating that true perseverance is not just about enduring challenges, but embracing them with a tireless spirit. Chapman's contributions serve as an inspiring example of how hard work and tenacity can elevate a team to new heights. (nominated by Garrison Floyd)


Over the last month, Micki has gone above and beyond with Greg Brooks Jr. and Grambling State's Jaquavis Richmond. As she was trying to answer questions on Greg being transported to Memphis, she was just leaving Jaquavis. I think it speaks to her willingness to do anything for anyone. Micki embodies selflessness in everything she does. (nominated by Brandon Berrio)

Seeing the way she's interacted with both the Greg Brooks family and hearing about how she's supported the JQ Richmond family during extremely tough and emotional circumstances for both groups has been nothing short of exceptional and is a model how each of us should treat people. (nominated by Matt Tornquist)

It is remarkable to watch Micki work with student-athletes, their families, medical staff supporting them, and others who are near to situations involving injury and illness. Her genuine care and empathy, her relentless work to provide support, her loving spirit, and her attention to detail – to name a few traits – are truly inspirational. Most importantly, so much of her work is done behind the scenes, but she never seeks out credit. She does her work selflessly and for the betterment of others. (nominated by Cody Worsham)

Bill Franques: Sr. Associate Communications Director – EXCELLENCE, SERVICE, AUTHENTICITY

Bill is one of the most selfless individuals I know that works for LSU. After 35 years, he still has an incredible attitude at every meeting and event. He handles more than anyone knows and even gave his own national championships rings up to be displayed without recognition in the LSU Baseball Hall of Fame when there weren't replicas. He is true to himself and his values, and always upholds a high standard of excellence and class for the baseball program and those within communications and beyond. (nominated by Ashleigh Maerke)

Ya’el Lofton: Executive Assistant to Head Coach Brian Kelly – AUTHENTICITY, SERVICE

When there is anyone in need, not only in the football office but across our athletics department and even community, Ya'el Lofton is always the first one to step-up to provide any type of help with a smile on her face, because that is Ya'el's authentic personality. Her first instinct is to find a solution, and her authentic warmth and loving personality make those around her feel comfortable and at ease. We toss around the word 'family' when describing our jobs at LSU, but Ya'el has truly embodied that value for decades and to countless individuals. She is a role model for many when it comes to acts of service, including most recently with JQ's and Greg Brooks' families. She's just always out there helping in her unique Ya'el way!! (nominated by Emily Dixon)

Joe Main: Creative Content Producer – GROWTH

Joe was hired late July right before the start of football season. Since then he has worked hard at improving his work week by week. The willingness to listen, take positive criticism, and work on his craft can clearly be seen in the growth of his work each week. (nominated by Ryan Sehrer)


November 2023: Most Value-Able Players


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