January 2025: Core Value Most Valuable Players!

These team members have been nominated by their colleagues for demonstrating our core values in their work.

Dr. Damon Arnold, Assistant AD of Player Development—Football: INTEGRITY, RESPECT, SERVICE

When an incident occurred that led to the evacuation of one of the Nicholson Gateway apartments late on a cold night, Damon took a group of student-athletes and students to the Football Operations Building for shelter until the building was reopened. We received an email from the Department of Residential Life about Dr. Arnold, which said “My team has loved working with him, and he truly is a fabulous staff member for you all to have representing both athletics and LSU…he’s an issue solver and someone we truly appreciate as a colleague!” (nominated by Miriam Segar)

Mo Carney, Assistant Director of IT Services: EXCELLENCE, PERSERVERANCE, GROWTH, SERVICE

Mo was pivotal in the development and implementation of the new evaluation form for coaches. Mo was merely asked for his thoughts of how best to create and route the evaluation form. He listened and then offered a solution, which created more work for himself. He then designed the form and participated in extensive testing to prepare the form for rollout. As with any new technology, there were hiccups, and Mo was as helpful in addressing the unexpected issues. He offered his thoughts of how to make the form and process easier, which were implemented. Mo’s commitment to the project and ongoing service after-the-fact make him an MVP. (nominated by Lori Williams)

Kelsey Dulinski, Director of Fan Experience: GROWTH

As I was watching a basketball game recently, all of a sudden hot dogs on parachutes started falling from the ceiling! It was a very cute promotion and the fans loved it. I learned that Kelsey made this happen and wanted to give her a shoutout for the new idea brought to the game day experience. (nominated by Andrea Tepe)

Cati Leak, Assistant Beach Volleyball Coach: AUTHENTICITY, RESPECT, GROWTH, SERVICE

Cati truly embodies the heart of the athletic department. She deeply cares about this place and the people around her, always checking in and finding ways to serve and support them. Athletes and staff alike know they can go to her whether they need advice, encouragement, or simply a laugh. :) As she's shifted from athlete to coach here, she continues to leave an impact on everyone she meets and make LSU a better place! (nominated by Alexis Conaway)

Gabe Merville, Executive Director of Analytics, Strategy and Revenue Integration: EXCELLENCE, PERSERVERANCE, SERVICE

Gabe was instrumental in assisting the HR Team with the inaugural HR Newsletter. Gabe graciously offered his time and expertise to the team to assist with the formatting and layout. He worked before and after hours to ensure the newsletter was ready to go. His continued to support in teaching members of the team how to effectively navigate the design software is very much appreciated. We could not have gotten the newsletter over the finish line without Gabe. (nominated by Lori Williams)


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