Cade Beloso: Working on Carrying a Lighter Load

Most athletes expect to perform their best when the coach gives them the call up. But what happens if the call comes in on a day where you’re just not feeling it? Maybe you have other things on your mind that are just blocking you from being in the present moment. And as much as you have been able to push past these moments before, this time it’s a swing and a miss, a slip and a fall, a shot that just doesn’t sink. These moments can be unexpected and devastating to the well trained elite athlete.

Cade had a opportunity to talk to the SEC Network in a segment called “The Mental Game” tell his story of how performance counseling made a difference for him- both on and off the field!

When you can approach your challenges with a clear mind, minimal expectations, and sheer joy for the game, hitting those shots and sinking those free throws can feel effortless. Don’t let daily challenges and stress build up (because you know they will). Just find that person, your mental health counselor, and trust the process!


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