Core Value Highlight on Service

April was about practicing service, which means we embrace a purpose beyond ourselves. Each month we will share thoughts from people within our department about each core value.


"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" - Mahatma Gandhi (shared by Jamie Hall & Kaylen Thornton)


What does practicing service mean to you?

Going above and beyond in your duties by giving time and energy to a cause bigger than yourself. ~ Mallory Duke

Service is putting others and the greater mission before yourself. ~Jamie Hall

In the initial exercise where we collected data to discover our core values, the number of staff who expressed a passion for serving others, whether it was student-athletes, fans, our state, or each other, was touching. This was one of the values that emerged most clearly from the data and while we all might be motivated by different aspects of service, the collective understanding of how we all come together for a purpose greater than ourselves moved me. ~Andrea Tepe

To me, practicing service means showing up to work each day with a higher goal in mind. It means working for a goal that is beyond yourself and making this job about more than just a job. It means leaving each day knowing you left a positive impression on someone else's life. ~Kaylen Thornton


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