The Meaning Behind the Mantra “Walk Tall”
Relatability. A concept that countless lost souls are searching for in someone or something. A concept that drove LSU Track Student-Athlete Arthur Price to write his first book and tell his story.
After a pandemic sidelined Price from his sport and his studies, Price wanted to use his extra time productively. He had experience writing poetry, but never went any further. Price experienced a difficult time prior to the onset of COVID-19, and utilized the quarantine period to put himself in the proper mindset to write his book, For the Man Who Walks Tall (Price, 2020). With more time on his hands, he was finally able to spend time on himself. He reflected on his own character, searched for his identity and appreciated the hardships that shaped him into the person he is today.
The book focuses primarily on Price’s life experiences and how they have impacted him. Price values the time he spent reflecting inwardly, as it helped him discover more aspects of himself than he otherwise would have. He spoke his mind, while also providing others with an opportunity to resonate with any experiences they may share with Price.
Relatability is his primary focus. Price hopes older audiences can see their younger selves in his experiences, while he aims to connect with those similar to his own demographic and motivate those who may be younger. Price firmly believes that anyone can start from the bottom, build themselves up and continue climbing beyond their own expectations.
Price initially struggled to articulate his feelings into words. When he feels an emotion, it has always been hard for others to understand him. However, after cutting chapters out and reorganizing the book’s structure, Price found his own way to cultivate motivation and a sense of hope through his writing. A friend attributed his ability to get through a difficult time to Price’s book, while others thank him for their newfound hope and discovery of a deeper meaning of life from relating to the book.
“Being misunderstood is a common theme in my life. For as much as I love my family, there have been times I’ve disputed with them over misunderstandings. The same can be said regarding how people outside my family view me as well. While it is true, I am a very animated person, that doesn’t mean I am a “headcase” as some may put it. My passion is often mistaken as something negative, much to my dismay. My lack of displaying love or other emotions relating to love causes some to think I am ‘heartless’. ”
Not only has Price impacted others, but he has also reaped his own benefits. Price believes he views himself differently and understands others better, and this has changed his life positively. This transformation inspires Price to author a second book after his first has more time to marinate with himself and audiences. He plans to absorb any feedback and insight from his first book and apply it to his second book for stronger development.
Although he has not announced a release date, the title is already chosen, which suggests that Price is actively pursuing his career as a writer. He does not see authorship as his only career, since he has aspirations to be a professional track athlete or a neuroscientist. However, he does see himself as an author and would love to keep writing in the future.
When Price is not racing the 110m hurdles, studying neuroscience in graduate-school, or writing, he is found playing chess or video games, reading or meditating. As a multidimensional person, his own personality outside of his book is able to relate to diverse groups of people.
“I believe I really have accomplished my goal for the book, and I’m definitely proud of that,” Price said.